These are primitive SNOBOL5 functions which are not predicates or
pattern functions.
Any of these functions can be redefined by the user using DEFINE().
When calling any SNOBOL5 function, if an argument is omitted,
the corresponding parameter value is set to null (null string).
Note that a null string converts into a zero when it is the
operand of an arithmetic operation.
In the Green book, all of these functions used only upper case names.
SNOBOL5 allows either all upper case or all lower case names (not mixed) for these functions.
The naming throughout is still case sensitive however.
ABS(x) or abs(x)
/pi /Absolute value function ..
returns the arithmetic absolute value of x. If x is the minimum possible integer,
an error occurs.
AND(x,y) or and(x,y)
returns the logical AND of the bytes in strings x and y. If x or y is shorter
than the other, then trailing zero bytes are assumed for the shorter one. The length
of the result is the maximum of lengths of x and y.
APPLY(f,a1,a2...) or apply(f,a1,a3...)
calls function f with arguments a1, a2 ... and returns the
value of the called function.
The name of the function f must be a character string.
APPLY is useful for situations requiring a variable function name.
ARG(f,i) or arg(f,i)
returns a string which is the name of the ith parameter of
the programmer defined function f.
The name of the function f must be a character string.
This function is useful for obtaining the parameters in generalized
trace procedures.
ARRAY(p,x) or array(p,x)
returns an array described by the string p, whose elements are
are all initialized to the value x.
The syntax for p is as follows:
The lower bound is assumed to be one if not specified.
The upper bound must not be less than the lower bound.
ARRAY('3,-1:1') returns a 3 by 3 element, two dimension array.
ATAN(x) or atan(x)
returns the arc tangent x. The result is in radians ranging from
-π/2 to +π/2.
ATAN2(y,x) or atan2(y,x)
returns the arc tangent of coordinate x,y. The result is in radians ranging from
-π to +π.
BACKSPACE(unit) or backspace(unit)
This function is omitted in SNOBOL5. See the SEEK function.
In the prior Minnesota SNOBOL4, the function
backspaces a file open for read
to the start of the record prior to the current
position in the file. That is after the carriage
return character before the start of the record,
usually at the line feed character for ASCII files.
If there is no carriage return character, then it
positions it to the start of the file. This works
the same for ascci or binary file modifiers. If a fixed
length backspace is desired, use the relative SEEK
function. An error is issued if the unit is not a
file or is not open for read. Note, backspacing
once after a read means that you will read the
record again if you do another read. If you need to
read the records in a file in reverse order, you
need to issue two backspaces between each read.
BIT2H(x) or bit2h(x)
This converts the bit string x to a hexadecimal string.
The string x should be a character string of "0" and "1" characters.
However, if they are not zero's and one's then the low order bit of the ascii encoding of each of the character is used.
If x is not a multiple of 4 in length, it will be considered padded on the right with zeros.
The function returns the hexadecimal result using characters 0123456789ABCDEF.
For example, bit2h('11010111011') returns the string "D76".
BIT2I(x) or bit2i(x)
This converts the bit string x to a 64 bit integer in two's complement form.
The string x should be a character string of "0" and "1" characters.
However, if they are not zero's and one's then the low order bit of the ascii encoding of each of the character is used.
The string x should be in big endian format, with the least significant bit on the right.
If x has fewer than 64 characters, then it is padded on the left with '0' characters, and thus cannot produce a
negative result.
If x has more than 64 characters, the function fails.
For example, bit2i(bit(123)) returns the integer 123.
See the related bit2is(x) function and inverse bit(x) function.
BIT2IS(x) or bit2is(x)
This converts the bit string x to a 64 bit integer in two's complement form, extending the left most sign bit.
The string x should be a character string of "0" and "1" characters.
However, if they are not zero's and one's then the low order bit of the ascii encoding of each of the character is used.
The string x should be in big endian format, with the least significant bit on the right.
If x has fewer than 64 characters, then it is padded on the left with the first character of x.
Thus the first character of x defines the sign of the resulting number.
If x has more than 64 characters, the function fails.
For example, bit2is(bit(123)) returns the integer 123.
While bit2is('11') returns -1 and bit2is('011') returns 3.
See the related bit2i(x) function and inverse bit(x) function.
BIT2R(x) or bit2r(x)
This converts the bit string x to a real per its binary IEEE 754 Standard double precision 64 bit encoding.
The string x should be a character string of "0" and "1" characters.
However, if they are not zero's and one's then the low order bit of the ascii encoding of each of the character is used.
The string x should be in big endian format, with the sign bit on the left.
If string x does not have exactly 64 characters, the function fails.
For example, bit2r(bit(&PI)) returns the real number 3.1415926535898.
See the related inverse bit(x) function.
BIT2S(x) or bit2s(x)
This converts the bit string x to a character string using ascii encoding of characters.
The string x should be a character string of "0" and "1" characters.
However, if they are not zero's and one's then the low order bit of the ascii encoding of each of the character is used.
The string x is not a multiple of 8 characters, it is assumed to be padded on the right to make it so.
For example, bit2s(bit('hello')) returns the string 'hello'.
See the related inverse bit(x) function.
BIT(x) or bit(x)
This function returns the bit representation of x.
If x is a string, then the bit representation of the string
is returned in the form of a string of ones ("1") and zeros ("0").
The high order bit of the first character in the string is the first in the result string.
For example, bit('hi') returns '0110100001101001'.
If x is an integer or real number, the bit string returned is in big endian format
with the most significant bit coming first. For example,
bit(123) returns '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111011'.
For a real number, the IEEE 754 Standard double precision 64-bit float point binary format is returned.
For example, bit(123.5) returns
Only string, integer or real data types are permitted for x.
See the related HEX(x) function.
BYTES2I(x) or bytes2i(x)
This converts the byte string x to an integer.
The string x should be in little endian order with leftmost byte being the low order one.
If there are fewer than 8 bytes, the string x is considered to be padded with zero bytes to reach 8 bytes.
If x has more than 8 bytes, the function fails.
BYTES2IS(x) or bytes2is(x)
This converts the byte string x (sign extended) to an integer.
The string x should be in little endian order with leftmost byte being the low order one.
If there are fewer than 8 bytes, the string x is considered to be padded with bytes
containing the sign bit of the right-most byte, effectively extending the sign bit.
If x has more than 8 bytes, the function fails.
BYTES2R(x) or bytes2r(x)
This converts the byte string x to a real.
The string x should be of length 8 in IEEE 754 standard double precision form, in little endian order
with leftmost byte being the low order one.
If x is not of length 8, the function fails.
BYTESS2R(x) or bytess2r(x)
This converts the byte string x to a real.
The string x should be of length 4 in IEEE 754 standard single precision form, in little endian order
with leftmost byte being the low order one.
If x is not of length 4, the function fails.
BYTESX2R(x) or bytesx2r(x)
This converts the byte string x to a real.
The string x should be of length 10 in IEEE 754 standard extended precision form, in little endian order
with leftmost byte being the low order one.
If x is not of length 10, the function fails.
CENTER(S,L,C) or center(s,l,c)
This function centers string S so that the
result string has length max(L,SIZE(S)) by equal
padding (equal within one character) on the left and
right using the first character of string C as the
pad character, or using a blank if C is null.
Padding occurs if SIZE(S)<.L. Note S is not trimmed
before padding so any leading or trailing blanks in
S may make it look like it was not centered. One
use for CENTER is centering titles on a printed
page. See the example under RPAD.
CHAR(x) or char(x)
returns the ASCII character that is represented by the number x.
This function is equivalent to SUBSTR(&ALPHABET,x,1).
For example, CHAR(32) returns a blank character, CHAR(48) returns a zero ("0"), and CHAR(65) returns the letter "A".
x must be in the range of 0 through 255. If x is REAL, then the fractional part is ignored.
CLEAR() or clear()
resets all natural variables to null at this function level.
If a variable has been pushed as a result of some function invocation,
it will reappear with its old value when that function returns.
Note that all of the pattern primitives, which are variables, such
as ARB, BAL etc. are also reset to null strings.
To get their values back, you can use the corresponding keywords
&ARB, &BAL etc.
CODE(s) or code()
"compiles" the SNOBOL5 statements given by the string s and returns
the compiled code (see CODE data type).
The newly compiled code can be executed by using the <code> form
of the goto. This starts execution at the first compiled statement.
Also, if labels are included in the statements in string s, then
they replace any existing labels currently in effect and may
be branched to using the parenthesis form of the goto.
The CODE function fails if there is a syntax error in the string s.
Note, that the first character of a statement must be blank or it will
be treated as a label. Also, more than one statement can be
compiled by separating them with the semicolon.
COLLECT(i) or collect()
forces garbage collection in the SNOBOL5 work space.
The function returns the number of unused bytes in the work space.
If there are fewer than i bytes in the work space after collection,
then the function fails.
CONVERT(x,t) or convert(x,t)
converts the object x to the data type specified by string t.
If the conversion is not possible, then the function fails.
Anything can be converted to type "STRING".
A useful conversion is that converting a table into an "ARRAY",
which gives an n by 2 array form of the table. This allows one
to serially access all of the elements of a table.
Likewise, an n by 2 array can be converted into a "TABLE".
The <n,1> slice is the set of indexes for the table elements
containing the corresponding values in slice <n,2>.
See also the INT(x), REAL(x), STR(x) functions which are shortcuts
to INTEGER, REAL and STRING conversions, respectively.
COPY(a) or copy(a)
returns a copy of a of any datatype except TABLE. This is most useful for arrays.
COS(x) or cos(x)
returns the cosine of angle x in radians.
DATA(p) or data(p)
defines a "programmer defined" data type and returns the null
The prototype of the data type is defined by string p which has
the following syntax:
To create an instance of the new data type, use what looks like
a function reference, giving the data type name instead of
the function name. Each argument gets assigned to the corresponding
fields of the data type instance.
The fields may be accessed with what also looks like a function
reference with one argument, which is the instance of the data type.
You should not specify field names that are other data type names or function names.
For example, if you wanted to introduce complex numbers in your
DATATYPE(x) or datatype(x)
returns the name of the datatype of object x as a string.
This also works for programmer defined data types defined with the
DATA() function.
DATATYPE('ABC') returns 'STRING' for example.
DATE() or date()
returns the current date and time as a character string in the
Both time and date are returned at once to handle midnight properly.
Note that the prior Minnesota SNOBOL4 version returned 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SS'.
This format was chosen because it lends itself to sorting by date and time.
The time is return in the local time zone.
DEFINE(p,e) or define(p,e)
defines a programmer defined function.
The prototype p of the function is specified by string p which has
the following syntax:
where the parameters and local variables are specified.
The local variable values are saved and set to null upon entry into
the function, and their old values are restored when the function
returns. This also applies to the parameters, except instead of
being set to null, they are set to the values of the corresponding
The function is assumed to start at the statement with label fncname,
when e is null. If a different label is to be used, the string e
can be used to indicate this when calling DEFINE.
Use the special return label RETURN to return from the function
successfully and FRETURN to return with failure.
NRETURN can be used to return the name of a variable instead of
its value.
The value to be returned by the defined function can be set by
assigning a value to the variable fncname.
DEFINE() returns the null string.
The following is an example of the definition and use of a function
to compute numbers in Pascal's triangle (binomial coefficients):
The following is an example of the definition and use of a function
to compute factorials of numbers:
DETACH(s) or detach(s)
removes the I/O association to the variable with the name specified
by string s. See INPUT() and OUTPUT() functions.
DUMP(n) or dump(n)
prints a dump of all natural variables which have a non-null
value, if the argument n is a non-zero integer. If n is zero,
the dump is not performed.
DUPL(s,n) or dupl(s,n)
returns a string consisting of string s repeated n times.
ENDFILE(n) or endfile(n)
closes the file attached to I/O unit number n.
ENDIANB(S) or endianb(S)
performs a bitwise endian shuffle. That is, if S is bit string with a multiple of 8 length,
it returns the opposite endian of string S.
That is if S is in little endian format, then the output is in big endian format.
If S is in big endian format, then the output is in little endian format.
If the length of S is not a multiple of 8, then the function fails.
See ENDIANH(s) for a version for hex digits. Use REVERSE(s) for a byte version.
For example:
ENDIANH(S) or endianh(S)
performs a hex digit endian shuffle. That is, if S is hex digit string with a multiple of 2 length,
it returns the opposite endian of string S.
That is if S is in little endian format, then the output is in big endian format.
If S is in big endian format, then the output is in little endian format.
If the length of S is not even, the function fails.
See ENDIANB(s) for a version for bit digits. Use REVERSE(s) for a byte version.
For example:
EVAL(s) or eval(s)
causes the SNOBOL5 expression given in string s to be compiled
and evaluated. "s" may also be an integer,
or an unevaluated expression.
If the argument is not syntactically correct, then EVAL fails.
For example,
EVAL('N + 4') returns the current value of N increased by four.
FIELD(dt,n) or field(dt,n)
returns a string giving the name of the nth field of a
programmer defined data type dt.
The function fails if there is no nth field in that data type.
The following example illustrates its use:
The above prints the string 'NEXT'.
GETENV(x) or getenv(x)
returns the value of environment variable x.
In Windows the case of x does not matter, but Linux is case sensitive with regard to x.
See "SNOPATH" environment variable used in include processing.
As an example, the following prints the paths in the PATH environment variable:
HEX(x) or hex(x)
This function returns the hexadecimal digit representation of x.
If x is a string, then the hex digit representation of the string
is returned in the form of a string of zero ("0") through ("A") characters.
The high order hex digit of the first character in the string x is the first in the result string.
For example, hex('hi') returns '6869'.
If x is an integer or real number, the hex string returned is in big endian format
with the most significant hex digit coming first. For example,
hex(123) returns '000000000000007B'.
For a real number, the IEEE 754 Standard double precision 64-bit float point binary format is returned.
For example, hex(123.5) returns
Only string, integer or real data types are permitted for x.
See the related BIT(x) function.
HEX2B(x) or hex2b(x)
This converts the hex string x to a bit string.
The string x should be a character string of 0...9A...F or 0...9a...f hexadecimal characters.
The function returns a string of zero and one characters representing the hexadecimal string.
The leftmost hex character generates the leftmost 4 bit characters with the high order one coming first.
For example, hex2b('f3') returns the string "11110011".
If the source string x contains characters that are not hexadecimal characters, then they are treated as
zero characters.
HEX2I(x) or hex2i(x)
This converts the hexadecimal digit string x to a 64 bit integer in two's complement form.
The string x should be a character string of these characters: 0123456789abcdefABCDEF
However, if they are any other characters, they are considered to be zero hex digits.
The string x should be in big endian format, with the least significant bit on the right.
If x has fewer than 16 characters, then it is padded on the left with '0' characters, and thus cannot produce a
negative result.
If x has more than 64 characters, the function fails.
For example, hex2i('7f') returns the integer 127.
See the related hex2is(x) function and inverse hex(x) function.
HEX2IS(x) or hex2is(x)
This converts the hexadecimal digit string x to a 64 bit integer in two's complement form,
sign bit extended.
The string x should be a character string of these characters: 0123456789abcdefABCDEF
However, if they are any other characters, they are considered to be zero hex digits.
The string x should be in big endian format, with the least significant bit on the right.
If x has fewer than 16 characters, then it is padded on the left with the high order bit of the leftmost hex digit.
If x has more than 64 characters, the function fails.
For example, hex2is('f7') returns the integer -9.
See the related hex2i(x) function and inverse hex(x) function.
HEX2R(x) or hex2r(x)
This converts the hexadecimal digit string x to a real per its binary IEEE 754 Standard double precision 64 bit encoding.
The string x should be a character string of these characters: 0123456789abcdefABCDEF
However, if they are any other characters, they are considered to be zero hex digits.
The string x should be in big endian format, with the sign bit on the left.
If string x does not have exactly 16 characters, the function fails.
For example, hex2r(hex(&PI)) returns the real number 3.1415926535898.
See the related inverse hex(x) function.
HEX2S(x) or hex2s(x)
This converts the hex string x to a character string.
The string x should be a character string of 0...9A...F or 0...9a...f hexadecimal characters.
The function returns a string bytes compsed of pairs of hex digits.
The leftmost hex character generates the high order portion of the result character.
If the source string x contains characters that are not hexadecimal characters, then they are treated as
zero characters. If x is odd in length, a trailing zero hex digit is assumed appended.
For example, hex2s('31323') returns the string "120".
HEXSR(x) or hexs2r(x)
This converts the 8 hexadecimal digit string (single precision) x
to a double precision REAL per its binary IEEE 754 Standard encoding.
The string x should be a character string of these characters: 0123456789abcdefABCDEF
However, if they are any other characters, they are considered to be zero hex digits.
The string x should be in big endian format, with the sign bit on the left.
If string x does not have exactly 8 characters, the function fails.
See the related hex2r(x) and hexx2r(x) functions.
HEXXR(x) or hexx2r(x)
This converts the 20 hexadecimal digit string (double extended precision) x
to a double precision REAL per its binary IEEE 754 Standard encoding.
The string x should be a character string of these characters: 0123456789abcdefABCDEF
However, if they are any other characters, they are considered to be zero hex digits.
The string x should be in big endian format, with the sign bit on the left.
If string x does not have exactly 20 characters, the function fails.
Furthermore, if the source number is larger than can be represented in double precision,
an infinity or zero may result.
See the related hex2r(x) and hexs2r(x) functions.
I2BYTES(x) or i2byte(x)
This converts the integer X to a string of 8 bytes in little endian form.
The leftmost byte is the low order one.
INPUT(vname,unitn,buflen,fname,mods) or input(vname,unitn,buflen,fname,mods)
is used to
associate a SNOBOL5 input variable name with an
external input unit and optionally specify
the file name (or path name) along with the file
modifiers. This function is usually used in one of
two ways. First, using just the first three
operands, and second with all five parameters. The
fourth and fifth parameters are an extension over the definition
contained in the green book. They permit the
specification of the file name along with optional
file modifiers.
In the spirit of mainframe SNOBOL, 999 numbered I/O
ports are provided through which all I/O operations
are performed. On one side, the port is connected
to a file or device and inside the program it is
connected to one or more I/O variables. For
If the fourth parameter is omitted, the record length
can be changed or additional I/O variable names can
be associated with the unit number. Also, if the
fourth operand is omitted, the file name can be
specified on the command line used to invoke
A file is not opened until its first use.
The output function is the counterpart for writing
to files.
See the section on Input/Output for a description of the possible file modifiers.
INT(x) or int(x)
converts x into an integer. This function is equivalent to CONVERT(x,'INTEGER').
IO_FINDUNIT() or io_findunit()
returns an unused I/O unit number. If there are no free unit numbers available any more,
then the function fails. SNOBOL5 supports 999 unit numbers.
See the INPUT, OUTPUT, and ENDFILE functions which use I/O unit numbers.
ITEM(x,i1,i2,...) or item(x,i1,i2,...)
is used to reference an element of an array or table without
using the bracket form of reference (XXX<N>).
ITEM returns the <i1,i2,...> element of the array or table x.
The following illustrates the use of ITEM.
LOAD(x,y) or load(x,y)
The LOAD function is not curently available in this implementation of SNOBOL5.
LOB(x) or lob(x)
returns a string of "0" and "1" characters showing the low order bit value for
each character in string x. This is useful for making a bit string viewable after
a logical operations such as AND, OR, NOR, NAND, XOR, or NOT. For example:
LOCAL(f,n) or local(f,n)
returns the name of the nth local variable for the function
with the name given by the string f.
For example:
prints the string 'Y'.
LOG(x) or log(x)
returns the natural logarithm of x.
LOG10(x) or log10(x)
returns the base 10 logarithm of x.
LOG2(x) or log2(x)
returns the base 2 logarithm of x.
LPAD(S,L,C) lpad(S,L,C)
pads string S on left so that the
result string has length MAX(L,SIZE(S)) by padding
on the left with the first character of string C, or
with a blank if C is null. Padding occurs if
SIZE(S)<.L. Note S is not trimmed before padding so
any leading or trailing blanks in S may make it look
like it was not properly padded. A use for LPAD is
to right align numbers within a field so that when
several lines are printed, the numbers appear to
line up properly. See the example with RPAD.
MAX(x,y) or max(x,y)
returns the arithmetic maximum of x and y. If either operand is REAL, then the
result is REAL.
MIN(x,y) or min(x,y)
returns the arithmetic minimum of x and y. If either operand is REAL, then the
result is REAL.
NAND(x,y) or nand(x,y)
returns the logical NAND of the bytes in strings x and y. If x or y is shorter
than the other, then trailing zero bytes are assumed for the shorter one. The length
of the result is the maximum of lengths of x and y.
NOR(x,y) or nor(x,y)
returns the logical NOR of the bytes in strings x and y. If x or y is shorter
than the other, then trailing zero bytes are assumed for the shorter one. The length
of the result is the maximum of lengths of x and y.
NOT(x) or not(x)
returns the logical negation of the bytes in string x.
OPSYN(newfn,oldfn,n) or opsyn(newfn,oldfn,n)
makes the operator or function defined by newfn a synonym for
the operator or function defined by oldfn.
If newfn and oldfn are not operators, the third parameter must
be omitted.
If newfn or
oldfn is an operator, n specifies whether it is unary or binary
by giving an integer 1 or 2.
The concatenation operator is specified using a string of one blank.
If the newfn name is not a SNOBOL5 operator and not a syntactically
correct SNOBOL5 function name, it can still be accessed using the
APPLY function.
The following:
makes the function ADD perform the same function as the binary '+'
If you look back at the DATA() function where the COMPLEX
data type was illustrated, the snobol '+' operator can be
redefined to also handle complex addition using the following:
OR(x,y) or or(x,y)
returns the logical OR of the bytes in strings x and y. If x or y is shorter
than the other, then trailing zero bytes are assumed for the shorter one. The length
of the result is the maximum of lengths of x and y.
OUTPUT(vname,unitn,format,fname,mods) or output(vname,unitn,format,fname,mods)
is used to
associate a SNOBOL5 output variable name with an
external unit number and optionally specify the file
name (or path name) along with the file modifiers.
This function is usually used in one of two ways.
First, using just the first three parameters, and
second with all five operands. The fourth and fifth parameters
is an extension over the definition contained in the
green book. They permit the specification of the
file name along with optional file modifiers.
In the spirit of mainframe SNOBOL, 999 numbered I/O
ports are provided through which all I/O operations
are performed. On one side, the port is connected
to a file or device and inside the program it is
connected to one or more I/O variables. For
If the fourth and fifth parameters are omitted,
additional output variable names can be
associated with the unit number. Also, if the
fourth operand is omitted, the file name can be
specified on the command line used to invoke
PROTOTYPE(a) or prototype(a)
returns the prototype used to create array a. See the
the p parameter on the ARRAY function.
The following:
sets Y to the value '3,-1:1'.
R2BYTES(x) or r2bytes(x)
This converts the real X to a string of 8 bytes in IEEE 754 standard double precision, little endian form.
The leftmost byte is the low order one.
R2BYTESS(x) or r2bytess(x)
This converts the real X to a string of 4 bytes in IEEE 754 standard single precision, little endian form.
The leftmost byte is the low order one.
R2BYTESX(x) or r2bytesx(x)
This converts the real X to a string of 10 bytes in IEEE 754 standard extended precision, little endian form.
The leftmost byte is the low order one.
R2HEXS(x) or r2hexs(x)
This function returns the hexadecimal digit representation of x as a single precision encoding.
The input x must be of type REAL or the function returns failure.
The result is returned in the form of a string of eight characters, zero ("0") through ("A").
The high order hex digit is the first character in the result string.
The result is in big endian format
with the most significant hex digit coming first.
The real numbers are encoded per the IEEE 754 Standard.
See the related inverse function hexs2r(x).
R2HEXX(x) or r2hexx(x)
This function returns the hexadecimal digit representation of x as an extended double precision encoding.
The input x must be of type REAL or the function returns failure.
The result is returned in the form of a string of 20 characters, zero ("0") through ("A").
The high order hex digit is the first character in the result string.
The result is in big endian format
with the most significant hex digit coming first.
The real numbers are encoded per the IEEE 754 Standard.
See the related inverse function hexx2r(x).
RAND(x) or rand(x)
returns the a random integer.
When x is not null or zero, it is used to set the random number generator seed.
The distribution of the random numbers is not guaranteed. The number returned
can be in the range of -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807.
REAL(x) or real(x)
converts x into a REAL. This function is equivalent to CONVERT(x,'REAL').
REMDR(x,y) or remdr(x,y)
returns the integer remainder from the division of the integer x
by the integer y.
The sign of the remainder is the same as that of x.
REMDR(14,12) gives 2.
REPLACE(x,y,z) or replace(x,y,z)
returns the string x with any character in x which appears in
the string y, replaced by the corresponding character in string z.
The strings y and z must be of equal, non-zero length or the
function will fail.
The following will change all lower case letters in string Q to
upper case:
REVERSE(S) or reverse(S) or REV(S) or rev(S)
returns the string S with the order
of the characters reversed.
REWIND(n) or rewind(n)
closes the file associated with I/O unit number n and
resets it so that the next operation will start at the
beginning of the file.
This is useful for situations where you want to read a
file twice or more.
The file is reopened on the first input or output operation
after the rewind.
RPAD(S,L,C) or rpad(S,L,C)
pads string S on right so that the
result string has length MAX(L,SIZE(S)) by padding
on the right with the first character of string C,
or with a blank if C is null. Padding occurs if
SIZE(S)<.L. Note S is not trimmed before padding so
any leading or trailing blanks in S may make it look
like it was not properly padded. RPAD is useful for
left aligning fields in a listing. The following
example shows the usage of CENTER, LPAD and RPAD in
listing a file with line numbers on a printer:
is used to change the position
in a file at which the next read or write occurs. U
is an integer I/O unit number. POS is an integer
absolute or relative offset. If TYPE is 0, the
positioning is absolute (relative to the beginning
of the file). If TYPE is 1, positioning is relative
to the current position in the file. If TYPE is 2,
positioning is relative the the end of the file.
The function returns the resulting absolute offset in the
file with respect to the beginning.
SEEK is not allowed on an unassigned I/O unit.
SIN(x) or sin(x)
returns the sine of angle x in radians.
SIZE(s) or size(s)
returns the length of the character string s.
The following can be used to create a fixed length string of 12
characters with the number N right aligned in the string:
SLEEP(t) or sleep(t)
relinquishes the CPU for t nanoseconds. This resolution may not be available on all
operating systems, so you might want to scale your t appropriately. For SNOBOL5, Linux claims
to support nanoseconds but Windows only goes down to milliseconds. For example, to wait for one second
use SLEEP(1000000000).
returns the array ARRAY
sorted on the STYPEth column in ascending order, or
descending order for negative values of STYPE.
ARRAY must be a one or two dimensional array. The
absolute value of the second argument is the column
number (the row is the first and the column is the
second subscript of an array reference). Zero or
null is considered the same as positive one. Note
that the column number is not the index value of the
column (if the array is defined as
ARRAY('100,-1:1'), it has 100 rows and 3 columns,
and the first column number is 1, not -1). The
function sorts the array in place, so the first
argument is returned by the function. Sorting in
place permits sorting arrays which are larger than
one half of the workspace. Otherwise there would
not be room for the sorted copy. Tables must be
converted to arrays using CONVERT(table,'ARRAY')
before sorting. SORT fails if the array is not a
one or two dimensional array, or if the second
argument STYPE gives a number larger than the number
of columns. With an ascending sort, types are are
sorted in the following order: STRING, PATTERN,
EXPRESSION, and programmer defined data types.
Within the types, only strings and numeric items are
sorted. All strings sort before numbers. The
numerics (INTEGER and REAL) are sorted by their
value on the number line. Floating point NAN's will
collate unpredictably when compared with numerics.
The sort is stable so that consecutive sorts on
different columns preserve prior order when sort
keys are equal.
SQRT(x) or sqrt(x)
returns the square root of x. If x is negative, a NAN (Not a Number) is returned.
STOPTR(n,t) or stoptr(n,t)
stops tracing n of type t.
See the TRACE function for more information on tracing.
STR(x) or str(x)
converts x into a string. This function is equivalent to CONVERT(x,'STRING').
SUBSTR(S,O,L) or substr(S,O,L)
this function
returns the substring of S starting at offset O for
length L. O must be zero or greater. If O and L
are such that it would run beyond the end of S, then
the L is reduced. A null string is returned if O is
SIZE(S) or greater. Note that the offset O starts
with zero rather than one. This makes it more
consistent with the positioning parameters used in
pattern functions such as POS, TAB, etc.
SYSTEM(S) or system(S)
lets you issue operating system commands from
within a SNOBOL program.
For example, the following will put the names of the files in
the current directory into the file "listing":
TABLE(init,inc) or table(init,inc)
creates and returns a table.
A table is an associative array with one dimension, where the index
into that dimension can be a value of any SNOBOL5 data type.
The initial amount of space allocated for the table is init elements.
When more space is needed, the table size is increased by inc elements.
If either init or inc is zero, then 10 is used.
Note that the character string "1" is different from the integer 1
when used as an index into the table.
The following program prints the number of occurrences of each
character appearing in string Q.
TAN(x) or tan(x)
returns the tangent of angle x in radians.
TIME() or time()
returns the number of nanoseconds of execution time elapsed since the
beginning of the execution of the SNOBOL5 program.
It does not include the compilation time.
This value may not be highly accurate.
TRACE(n,t,g,f) or trace(n,t,g,f)
establishes that n with type of action t is to be traced,
(printed on I/O unit 6).
The third parameter g is used only if n is not a natural variable,
and is printed along with the trace information for identification
The second parameter t can be one of the following string values:
'VALUE' indicates that a trace item should be printed whenever
the value of n is set.
'CALL' indicates that each call of function n is to be traced.
'RETURN' indicates that each return from function n is to be
'FUNCTION' indicates that both calls and returns for function n
are to be traced.
'LABEL' indicates that goto's to the label n are to be traced.
Note that simple sequential flow into a statement with that label
is not traced.
'KEYWORD' indicates that a trace item should be printed
whenever the value of the SNOBOL5 keyword with name n is set.
The STOPTR function is used to stop any particular trace.
The keyword &TRACE must be set to a positive number in order
to activate tracing.
Each trace item decrements &TRACE by one until it is becomes zero.
This keyword can be used to enable and disable tracing in the
If the fourth parameter f is not omitted, it specifies a
function to be called with the first argument being n and
the second, the tag g.
This action occurs in place of printing a trace record.
Also, the values of &TRACE and &FTRACE are automatically saved
on entry to the function f and set to zero. They are restored
when the function returns.
This allows the programmer to design his own trace actions.
The keyword &FTRACE can be used to trace all calls and returns
for user-defined functions. &FTRACE must be set to the number
of trace entries desired. Each trace entry decrements &FTRACE
by one. &FTRACE acts independently of &TRACE.
TRIM(S,C,L) or trim(S,C,L)
this function has been enhanced to handle
trimming of specific character sets and to limit
trimming to a particular length. String S is
trimmed on the right. That is, any characters in C
which appear on the right end of S are removed.
However, no characters are trimmed in the first L
characters of the string. If C is null, blank and
tab characters are trimmed.
this function is currently not implemented in SNOBOL5.
VALUE(x) or value(x)
returns the value of the variable specified by string or name x.
It is used to provide uniform treatment of accessing variables and
fields, of name VALUE, in programmer defined data types.
XOR(x,y) or xor(x,y)
returns the logical eXclusive OR of the bytes in strings x and y. If x or y is shorter
than the other, then trailing zero bytes are assumed for the shorter one. The length
of the result is the maximum of lengths of x and y.
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